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We are pleased to share that we have been accepted under a Fiscal Sponsorship program with the amazing Bay Area organization Media Alliance. Founded in 1976, their mission is to deepen connections within social justice movements and establish a communications system that works in the interests of peace, justice and social responsibility. It’s an honor to be seen and supported by them in our fundraising journey, ultimately allowing us to create this film.

Being fiscally sponsored by Media Alliance will allow us to seek out grants and donations that would have been less accessible without their support. We are moved knowing that Late Bloom is a piece of art which aligns with their mission statement, and we all hope that this film can continue to inspire other artist in the Bay to tell their stories.

Please consider donating through our (501c3) tax exempt fiscal sponsor Media Alliance.

We would love to have a conversation with you! If you are interested in hearing more about the film or perhaps seeking to view our Pitch Deck please send us a message below.

All other emails are welcomed too.