The fog rests on top of a field nestled up against a secluded road, two individuals stand side by side as they survey the land. Francis, (43, Black man) is accompanied by his partner Kiko, (40, Asian woman). Together they retrace the steps of Francis’ memory at the place where his home once stood. Francis seeks to express how the effects of childhood trauma have permeated into the present day, ultimately affecting their relationship. Through their togetherness they work to unpack these suppressed emotions in a way that’s conducive to furthering their growth.

Pitch Deck available to view here

Thank you for helping us reach our goal of $20,000 and more! With additional fees, we’ve just made enough for principle photography. This placed us in better position to help support the crew & led us to a successful shoot on August 24th - 27th, 2024.

Though we’ve met our goal, we are still actively seeking support for our Post Production endeavors, festival run, and prioritizing higher wages for crew members! We appreciate any and all support!

We are truly so grateful, thank you for supporting the Late Bloom team!

Please consider donating through our 501(c)(3)tax exempt fiscal sponsor Media Alliance.